attributes to your elements and extract reports later from drawings. Discover DraftSight: professional-grade CAD software that lets you create, edit, view and markup any kind of 2D and 3D DWG file with greater ease, speed. ( VI) The system application, associated network architecture, shared services and systems shall, at a minimum, be compliant with New York State Office of Cyber Security Policy P03-002, New York State Information Security Policy New York State Identity Trust Model National Institute of Standards and Technology SP 800-63 Electronic Authentication Guidance and HIPAA privacy and securities rules and regulations. If you are looking to design professional-level P&ID diagrams but dont want to. ( V) Prevent unauthorized access and safeguard the confidentiality of personal/consumer data in compliance with State and Federal law, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the New York State Personal Privacy Protection Law, and the data breach provisions of the New York State Technology Law. ( IV) Use of the system indicates consent to monitoring and recording. Quality aftermarket replacement parts, helpful customer service, top-notch technical staff, and next-day parts delivery makes getting the parts you need affordable, quick, and easy. ( III) Unauthorized use of the system is prohibited and subject to criminal and civil penalties and ( II) System usage may be monitored, recorded, and subject to audit ( I) Users are accessing a New York State government information system